Heavy floods, droughts, and DIY fish evaluations
By: Bob Lusk
It's that time of the year- you could be experiencing a flood or you may be in the middle of a drought. Bob Lusk covers each scenario in tonight's broadcast and what that means for your body of water. He will then touch on the subject of a DIY fish evaluation.
If you still have questions, please email us at info@pondboss.com
About Bob Lusk & The Pond Boss
Bob Lusk, the "Pond Boss" is in his 40th year as a private fisheries biologist, traveling the nation designing, building, stocking, and managing premier fishing lakes. He’s written hundreds of articles and three books on the topic. He can be reached at boblusk@outlook.com to help you make your dream pond come true.
Contact Bob Lusk: boblusk@outlook.com; (903) 564-5372; www.bobluskoutdoors.com
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