Fishing Tips Frank Jones Fishing Tips Frank Jones

It’s Getting Easier to be ‘Green’ Part II

Credit innovative design, advanced technology and angler ingenuity for the emergence of a pioneering generation of fishing craft propelled solely by electricity. In “It’s getting easier to be ‘green’ – Part I,” we outlined the reasons anglers have summoned electric propulsion technologies, old and new, to safe, quiet and efficient angler duty. Part II unveils examples of “all-electric” boat/motor combinations – and a a glimpse of the future, too! 

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Fishing Tips Frank Jones Fishing Tips Frank Jones

It’s Getting Easier to be ‘Green’ Part I

With all due respect to Kermit, it IS getting easier to be “green,” particularly for fishermen in the hunt for all-electric propulsion solutions. Whether you are driven by environmental concerns or compact propulsion options for “electric only” waters or small craft, new high-tech options are yours today.

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