Fishing Tips Frank Jones Fishing Tips Frank Jones

Plan for Farm Pond Success

Small waters are the breeding ground for many, if not most, of today’s ardent fishermen. But I’ve found that the way to reap the richest rewards from a pint-size fishery is to size it up as if tournament money were on the line and to gear up accordingly.

It’s a fun exercise that not only allows you to make the most out of even short outing but makes you a better angler overall.

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Fishing Tips Frank Jones Fishing Tips Frank Jones

Anatomy of a Fish Kill

Cloudy days and hot sultry summer days can spell disaster for your lake. One of the saddest sights a fisherman will see is that of a sudden mid- to late-summer fish kill. These catastrophic events can turn a honey hole into an empty barrel! Unfortunately, small waters are the most common victims of these tragedies.

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Fishing Tips, Entertainment Frank Jones Fishing Tips, Entertainment Frank Jones

Fishing for the fun of it… fishing for a lifetime

Father’s Day weekend, I coordinated the annual Countryside Lake Kids Fishing Derby for the residents of Countryside Lake in Mundelein, Illinois, with the charming Rosemary Aitken and aremarkable crew of volunteers, all committed to putting smiles on kids’ faces with hook and line and loving attention, seasoned with a light sprinkling of angler education.

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Fishing Tips Frank Jones Fishing Tips Frank Jones

It’s Getting Easier to be ‘Green’ Part II

Credit innovative design, advanced technology and angler ingenuity for the emergence of a pioneering generation of fishing craft propelled solely by electricity. In “It’s getting easier to be ‘green’ – Part I,” we outlined the reasons anglers have summoned electric propulsion technologies, old and new, to safe, quiet and efficient angler duty. Part II unveils examples of “all-electric” boat/motor combinations – and a a glimpse of the future, too! 

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Fishing Tips Frank Jones Fishing Tips Frank Jones

It’s Getting Easier to be ‘Green’ Part I

With all due respect to Kermit, it IS getting easier to be “green,” particularly for fishermen in the hunt for all-electric propulsion solutions. Whether you are driven by environmental concerns or compact propulsion options for “electric only” waters or small craft, new high-tech options are yours today.

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