Considering Stocking Fish? Now’s the Time!

By: Bob Lusk

Stock now before water temps enter stressful 80+-degree levels.

Stock now before water temps enter stressful 80+-degree levels.

If a new lake is ready to stock or you’re considering adding another angling attraction like hybrid striper–order fish now.  Mild water temperatures ensure fish experience easy transition and healthy acclimation.

Summer months are the least desirable time for such projects.  Delivery trucks transport fish in hatchery well water, typically around the upper sixty to low seventy-degree range.  If truck and lake water temps are within 5-degrees, fish can be stocked immediately.  If the variance exceeds 5-degrees, truck tanks must be drained and refilled with lake water until tank temps reach a safe range.

Exchanging water is called tempering.  In extreme cases, it helps fish gradually adjust body temps to the new environment and avoid potentially harmful stress if transferred too soon. After each water exchange, biologists record water temp and repeat as often as necessary to achieve required levels.  There is zero tolerance in this procedure.  Failure to comply could shock fish with fatal consequences.

Even if purchasing a small bag of catfish from a farm and ranch store, you MUST follow the same process.  There are no shortcuts!  Fish will be delivered in an oxygen-filled bag.  Transport them in a container that will prevent damage to the bag.  Transportation is stressful for small fish; so don’t delay reaching the pond.

Need bluegill to build the food chain?

Need bluegill to build the food chain?

Hybrid striper for fast fishing action?

Hybrid striper for fast fishing action?

On arrival, place the bag in the pond for approximately 20-30 minutes while water temps equalize.  Gather the kids for the big moment, pop the rubber band, let pond water flow into the bag, and allow fish to gently swim out.

Don’t procrastinate stocking this Spring.  When complete, visit and subscribe to our favorite magazine.  Valuable articles help grow those small fish into big, exciting memories you didn’t think possible.  We’ll introduce you to neighbors who share your fascination for this exciting experience we call—pond management.


About Bob Lusk & The Pond Boss

Bob Lusk, the "Pond Boss" is in his 40th year as a private fisheries biologist, traveling the nation designing, building, stocking, and managing premier fishing lakes. He’s written hundreds of articles and three books on the topic. He can be reached at to help you make your dream pond come true.

Contact Bob Lusk:; (903) 564-5372;


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