Frank Jones: Let’s Talk Social Distancing, or Should I say Fishing?

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What a difference a month makes! A month ago, most of us had not even heard the term social distancing. Now it’s a part of everyone’s vocabulary. Of course the practice of distancing is required for us as a society to help defeat a new virus that is among us. However, it is not a new concept for those of us that call ourselves anglers. 

Most of us were introduced to the concept at a very early age by our fathers, uncles, or maybe mothers or aunts. It really doesn’t matter “who” introduced us, but mainly that the introduction involved a fishing pole at the end of a pier or on a quiet river or lake bank somewhere. From the beginning, we were taught that this activity, which for many of us has turned into a passion, was a solitary activity. The only other companion we were really looking to have was the occasional visit from the object of our pursuit at the end of our fishing lines. Over the years, we have learned that the fewer of our fellow humans were around, the more visits we tended to receive at the end of our line. Of course this pursuit, this passion, is what is know to the rest of the world as fishing. So as the news fills the airways with what for many is the negative term, social distancing, us anglers can all close our eyes, substitute the word “fishing” to take the gloom and doom away, and put smiles on our faces and in our hearts. Who knows … it may take you back to those simpler days with a cane pole at the end of a pier, with that cherished loved one who first introduced you to the wonderful sport of fishing.

If you can, get out and enjoy a little time fishing. Be it on the waters edge, on a pier, or in a boat somewhere get out and enjoy a little social distancing. It is sure to take your mind off this stressful time and make for a brighter day. As for me, you’ll find me on my Twin Troller on some secluded waterway.

These are strange times we are living through right now, and I want to encourage you all to keep yourselves and families safe. Be thoughtful and courteous to your fellow man. We are all in this together and that is exactly how we will get through it. 

Tight lines, and take care of yourselves, 

Frank Jones 

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Considering Stocking Fish? Now’s the Time!


Frank Jones: Part II: Catch 5,000 Fish in a Year!!! – What not to do!