Frank Jones: Part II: Catch 5,000 Fish in a Year!!! – What not to do!


Last month we got an introduction in to how to catch 5,000 fish in a year. Twin Troller owner, Randy Wilson, in Tennessee shared with us the do’s on how he did it. Fishing is like most things in life, for every “what to do”, there is a list of “what not to do”. This month Randy shares his tips of the don’ts of how to catch 5,000 fish. In reading through them each one is just as important as his list of do’s from our February edition of the newsletter. #2 on this list is my favorite, and I’m sure you’ll have a favorite also.

What not to do when attempting to catch 5,000 fish in a year is just as important as what to do. 
Here is my list of the Dont’s:

Part II: What not to do when attempting to catch 5,000 fish in a year is just as important as what to do. Here is my list of dont’s. 

Number 1:  Don’t buy an expensive bass boat. It is not necessary to own a $75,000 bass boat to catch 5,000 fish a year. I’ve fished in a $75,000 bass boat and while they do go fast and look pretty, I don’t care about these things. I go fishing to catch fish and as many as possible. Unless you have close to unlimited financial resources, you simply won’t be able to fish enough times a year to catch 5,000 fish if you have an expensive boat because you will always be in the office working to pay it off. I know guys with nicer boats than mine who don’t catch anywhere near as many fish simply because they can’t afford to go fishing very often. All you need is a small boat, like a Twin Troller, that is easy to use and that allows you to fish as often as possible. I can fish all day on 1 gallon of gas!

Number 2:  Don’t be a fish snob. I know guys who don’t care to catch anything except a Largemouth Bass or Smallmouth Bass. We all know guys that only want to catch Crappie. There’s nothing wrong with targeting one species or having a favorite species, but if you don’t multi-species fish, you won’t catch 5,000 fish in a year. If the White Bass are schooling and busting on shad, you gotta catch’em! If I go below a dam and the Asian Carp are biting, guess what, I’m tangling with 10-20 lbs carp for the day. It’s a lot of fun. I once met a pair of fishermen and asked them how things were going. They said, “All we’re catching are those darn yellas.” Well, that day I caught over 150 of “those darn” Yellow Bass in that same location and had a blast doing it. Fish for and catch whatever is biting. Be flexible on the water.

Number 3: Don’t fish in a rut. If you go to the same fishing hole and use the same lure or lures you are in a “fishing rut”. It’s time to try something new. Hire a fishing guide on a body of water you’ve never fished.

Maybe take a day off from work and fish on a Wednesday when the lake is empty. Buy a couple of rod holders and try trolling. Maybe view some YouTube channels (I like Richard Gene “The Fishing Machine”) and pick up some new fishing techniques. Even if you have several confidence baits and techniques you can always try new things. You just never know what the fish will bite. 

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Number 4: Don’t fish your last trip this trip. Another way to say this is to “Fish the Moment”. It blows my mind when I’m on the water and I see the birds feeding on shad, my Lowrance is showing tons of fish below, I start catching fish left and right, and boat after boat passes me by with no clue what an awesome bite I’m on. The signs are there for anyone to see but only if you are looking. Each day is different, and the fish may not do what they did the last time you were in the area. There are signs in nature that can lead you to a good bite, you just have to keep your eyes open for them. One sign I always look out for is what the birds doing. On one outing last November, I had trolled for four hours without a single bite. I saw some gulls in a small bay just on top of the water. They weren’t feeding but were just there. I slowly trolled over the area and found active fish in about 20 ft of water. I vertically jigged my Slab Spoon and caught two nice hybrid bass – my only two fish of the afternoon!

Number 5: Don’t judge the other fisherman who fish all day and are only catching five or six fish. They may be stuck in a rut or just having a bad day. Once you change your mindset and start catching 25-50 fish on average you may start to wonder why others aren’t doing the same. Just remember that every day on the water is a blessing and to make every effort to be a good sportsman. I love catching fish, that’s obvious. But I also love seeing others being successful on the water. Take the time to help other anglers. If you have a great crankbait that the White Bass are tearing-up, give one to another angler. If you spread seeds of good cheer and some good tips to others on the water, you may end up catching more than just 5,000 fish in one year! 

Randy Wilson is an avid fisherman and proud Twin Troller owner. He loves to talk about his favorite topic and below is his contact information if you want to reach out to him. 

Randy Wilson: (615) 440-2601,

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About Frank Jones

Frank Jones is the owner of Freedom Electric Marine and the co-inventor of the Twin Troller boat. Frank and some of his best fishing friends designed the Twin Troller to solve the common challenges small water anglers face during their fishing adventures. Features include hands-free operation, in-hull propulsion, and incredible stability. The Twin Troller gives fisherman the ultimate fishing adventure they deserve.

To learn more about the Twin Troller and its features, visit the website here.

You can contact Frank at


Frank Jones: Let’s Talk Social Distancing, or Should I say Fishing?

