Fishing Tips Frank Jones Fishing Tips Frank Jones

Frank Jones: Part I: Catch 5,000 Fish in a Year!!!

If you’re like me, the first thing I thought was how is that even possible??? I’ve been fishing since I was 3 and have caught a lot of fish in my time, but 5,000 in one year. That’s just a crazy number. At least that’s what I thought until a Twin Troller owner in the Nashville, TN area started sharing his photos with us, and then submitted the following article to give a few pointers on not just how he did it, but how you may be able to do the same.

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Fishing Tips Frank Jones Fishing Tips Frank Jones

Will You Be Ready?

Hope everyone had a great holiday season. Now that the big guy in the red suit has come and gone and the new year’s ball has dropped, it’s time to start seriously thinking about our favorite pastime….fishing!!

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